


学生 wish to receive funding from the 新 York State financial aid programs must maintain good academic standing.

  • 良好的学术地位包括追求计划(POP), which the 新 York State Education Department defines as receiving a passing or failing grade in a certain percentage of a full-time courseload. 及格分数是D-或更高的分数. 不及格的分数是F.“W”、“I”和“WI”不是及格或不及格的分数. 这一比例每年都在增加. 详情请参阅TAP资格表.
  • 良好学术地位的第二个要素是令人满意的学术进步(SAP)。. SAP is the number of credits the student earned toward their certificate or degree at the end of 每一个 学期, 以及累积平均绩点. Transitional studies courses that students may be required to take do not count toward SAP requirements. 详情请参阅TAP资格表. 有两个TAP图表,一个用于辅导学生,另一个用于非辅导学生.

课程结束时将对学生的POP和SAP进行评估 每一个 学期. 学生 fail to meet either POP or SAP standards will lose eligibility for 新 York state financial aid programs at 世纪挑战集团 for the next calendar year. 学生 have received the equivalent of six full-time 新 York State TAP awards will no longer be eligible for TAP at a community college. Program changes will not assist students in regaining eligibility for SAP and GPA requirements in the first 学期 of the new program.


学生, 在之前, have received the equivalent of two or more full years of state funded student financial aid payments (have accumulated 24 or more payment points 在之前) must have a cumulative "C" (2.0)平均绩点才有资格继续获得国家财政援助. Students subject to the "C" average requirement must meet this in addition to POP and SAP requirements. State financial aid programs subject to this requirement include all general and academic performance awards.

非学分过渡课程: 学生 are required to take non-credit transitional studies courses must be aware of the following:

  • Non-credit transitional studies courses do not count toward completion of SAP requirements.
  • 满足每学期的全职或兼职出勤要求, students in non-credit transitional studies courses must include in their registration a minimum of 3 credit bearing hours the first 学期 and a minimum of 6 credit bearing hours in 每一个 following 学期s. The total number of 学期 hours (non-credit and credit) must be at least 12 or more for TAP, 以及3至11个学时的非全日制学习资助.


The NYS Education Department defines full-time status for TAP certification as a student who is enrolled and attending at least 12 credits that lead toward their degree or certificate (with the remedial combination noted above) in a 学期 that is at least 15 weeks in length.


当学生在某门课程中获得及格分数(D-或更高)时, it generally cannot be included in the calculation of full or part-time status if the student takes the course again. 用于国家财政援助, 不能为了提高GPA或更好地掌握课程内容而重复课程. 这一裁决的四个例外是:

1. When a grade received is passing but is not acceptable in the degree or certificate program in which the student is matriculated. 例如, the student's program requires that the student get a C or better in ABC100 to be graduated, 但是这个学生在ABC100考试中得了D. 这个学生可以重修ABC100以获得更好的成绩. 本目录中的程序说明 & 学生手册 (项目 of Study) must stipulate this for the repeated course to be eligible for financial aid.

2. When a grade received is passing but is not acceptable for the student to move on to the next course in the sequence. 例如, ABC101 requires that a student get a C or better in ABC100 in order to take ABC101. 这个学生在ABC100考试中得了C,因此不能修ABC101. 因此,学生可以重复ABC100以获得更好的成绩. 本目录中的课程描述 & 学生手册 (课程描述) must stipulate this for the repeated course to be eligible for financial aid.

3. When a student must take and pass a course and an associated course concurrently and a passing grade is received in 只有一个 of the courses. 例如,ABC200要求学生同时选修ABC201. 这个学生ABC200得了A,但ABC201得了F. The student must repeat both courses and pass both courses concurrently to receive credit toward the degree or certificate. The student can repeat both courses in order to receive credit toward the degree or certificate. 本目录中的课程描述 & 学生手册 must stipulate this for the repeated courses to be eligible for financial aid.

4. When a course may be repeated and credit earned toward the degree or certificate 每一个 time it is taken. 例如,体育课程.


学生 fail to achieve good academic standing for state programs have several options for reinstatement of eligibility.

  • 第一个, the student may attempt to make up their academic deficiencies by taking courses without the benefit of 新 York State aid. 如果成功,学生可以在未来一个学期恢复他们的资助.
  • 第二,学生至少可以休学一年. Upon returning to school, the student could be eligible in their first term for state financial aid. 然而, 如果学生已经使用了相当于四次TAP付款, 24个发薪点,少于2.平均绩点为0,休学一年不能恢复资格.
  • Third, the student can request a one time Waiver of Good Academic Standing for Pop and/or SAP.


学生 fail to achieve good academic standing during a 学期 may apply for a waiver of good academic standing for the next 学期. 对于纽约州的项目,学生可能会获得批准 只有一个 弃权作为本科生. 豁免申请和信息可在财政援助办公室获得. 只有在特殊情况下才会考虑豁免. 特殊情况包括父母一方死亡, child or spouse; injury or severe illness of the student, 学生的配偶, parents or children; or other special circumstances. The student will have to provide proof of the circumstance and document that the situation is either under control or will not occur again.

纽约州课程的平均成绩C要求豁免: 累计平均成绩达不到2分的学生.0 or better at the end of a 学期 (beginning 24th paypoint) may apply for a waiver for the next 学期. 如上节所述,豁免将被考虑. Program changes will not assist students in making the C average requirement for the first 学期 in a new program.